What authentication mechanisms does Safesigner have available?
- Unique Key
- Question challenge
- Verification of identity card serial number
- Facial biometry
What is Facial Onboarding?
The Mobisigner Onboarding Facial Biometrics service consists of the following:
a) A responsive web flow that is integrated through the OpenID Connect protocol to a client’s web or mobile app.
b) An API to interact with this service (Mobisigner API).
c) It is possible to integrate with multiple providers of recognition of identity documents and facial biometrics, such as Incode, Jumio, FacePhi and Transmit.
Which facial biometrics providers do you work with?
Incode, Jumio, FacePhi y Transmit
What is Mobisigner?
Mobisigner is a web and mobile platform that allows users to:
- authenticate with multiple authentication mechanisms,
- enable online digital certificates for electronic signature,
- sign transactions and documents with simple and advanced electronic signature.
Mobisigner can sign any document in PDF format, as well as transactions in XML format.
Can foreigners make electronic signatures?
If the foreigner has a unique password, he can perform a simple signature. To perform an advanced signature, he must have a sufficient record in Equifax to pass the validation process.
Does SafeSigner allow consultation of Previred data?
Safesigner is certified by Previred for the management of access to consultations in said institution.
Specifically, through Mobisigner, users can authorize with an advanced electronic signature that an institution (for example, a financial institution) consult information on their deposits for income verification in Previred.
Mobisigner is connected to Previred to send the signed authorizations and the corresponding access token that the institution must use to make the query.
What certifying entities does SafeSigner work with for the electronic signature of documents?
Currently, we work with two certifying entities duly accredited by the Ministry of Economy. These are: BPO Advisors(IDok) and E-Sign S.A.
Can I integrate a Mobisigner by API?
Yes, we have an API that allows you to include the signing of documents in your business flows. You can upload the documents and have the signature request arrive by mail to the signatory(s), see the status of the document and download it once it is signed.
There is also the option for OpenIdConnect where the experience can be fully customized.